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Make sure good things are finding you

We get what we put out is a philosophy that comes from Biblical teachings. Jesus was the first to teach His disciples that life is like farming. The farmer pants in the ground seeds. What the farmer plants the farmer gets back. If farmer plant wheat the farmer will harvest much more wheat, if a farmer plants corn the farmer will harvest much more corn. What Jesus was teaching is that we reap is what we sow. Sowing is another word for planting.

To get positive rewards in this life we must plant the seed for those positive rewards to come our way. Just the simple gesture of smiling at the clerk checking us out in the grocery store lets that clerk know that they have value. By creating value in other people’s lives we create a field of value that will one day come our way.

Some ways of reaping positive rewards in our lives can be, but are not limited to:

Volunteering at an organization that provides help for those in need, i.e:(animal shelter, children’s hospital, schools, homeless shelters, red cross)

Active listening to a friend or strangers struggles

Donating for a good cause

Becoming a positive role model

But remember, the farmer must also make sure the ground they plant is in a healthy condition. Make sure where you plant is in good healthy ground. The ground must be able to replicate the seed in order for it to come back to you. Do your research and make sure the organizations you contribute to are actually producing the services they claim they are providing.

Also, the farmer must make sure the equipment they use is in good working order. If you yourself are not in the right place for the planting the seed may not make it into the ground. Make sure your heart is in the right place and do not plant your seed solely for selfish reasons. Doing good means doing good for someone else, or else your seed is never planted. Selfishness cannot have a part in the process.

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